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Your Neighbors need YOU! 

We are always looking for new members to join our team.

Membership Application
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Your Glacier View Fire Department is composed of neighbors and residents just like you.  Your Fire Department provides emergency medical, fire suppression, and rescue services to the nearly 1600 residents across 56 square miles of our community.
Each year, your volunteers respond to approximately 100 emergency calls, including assisting neighbors in Livermore, Red Feather Lakes, Poudre Canyon, and Crystal Lakes.  Your volunteers provide over 5000 volunteer hours annually as a department in their mission to protect life, property, and the environment.  And no resident is ever charged for their services.
Every day, your department stands ready to answer the call of families, friends, and neighbors in need of assistance.  From car accidents to heart attacks, from house fires to back-country rescues, from downed power lines to wildfires, your volunteers are there to protect lives and property.
Becoming a volunteer emergency responder can be the most rewarding experience of your life and allows you to reach out to someone in need.  You can ensure there is always someone to answer the call.
What are the requirements for membership?
Prospective members must be at least 21 years old and possess a valid driver’s license and a clean driving record.  Members must be able to pass a background investigation.  They must live or work within the boundaries of the district.  Most importantly, members must possess the desire to make a difference to their community.
What experience is required?
None.  While prior emergency responder experience is always valuable, the department will provide you with the training you will need.
What is the time commitment?
Members are expected to participate in monthly training and meetings (10-15 hours per month).  In addition, we answer approximately 100 calls a year.  Members are expected to respond to a minimum of 25% of the calls.  A typical call may be less than one hour or may involve several hours.
Will I have to complete months of training before I can participate?
No.  New members will participate in the same training as existing members.  Periodically the department will conduct a “mini-academy” to train basic firefighting skills.  All volunteer members who do not have any fire fighter experience will be expected to fully complete the mini-academy when it is offered.  However, all members, including new members, are immediately able to respond to emergency calls.  You will not be asked to perform any task you have not been trained to do.
Am I expected to pull shifts?
No.  Members do not stand shifts at the station.  You will be issued a pager, and will respond to the station from your home or workplace and then to the incident.
What are the physical requirements?
Members come in all shapes, sizes, and ages, but they must be able to perform basic physical tasks.  There is an annual fitness test for wildland firefighting.  Members must be in good physical condition, and may be requested to provide a statement from their physician.
Do I need to buy equipment?
No.  The department will provide you with all the Personal Protective Equipment you will need, including wildland and structure firefighting gear.
But aren’t volunteers amateurs?
No.  Our training follows state and national standards to ensure that members are properly trained for all eventualities.  Firefighting, rescue, and medical training are provided by members with experience or certified trainers.
What if I get hurt?
We perform an inherently dangerous mission, but train to do it safely.  The department provides insurance and worker’s compensation to members to assist them in the event of an injury.
What are the next steps?
You can download an application from the link above or contact the Glacier View Fire Department office at 970-493-3353 or the Recruiting Coordinator at  Once the department has received your application, you will be contacted to schedule a background check and an interview.
Regularly Scheduled Meetings and Training
Business Mtg & Apparatus Check - 
1st Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m, Station 1
EMS Training:  2nd Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m. at Station 1
Fire Training: 3rd Thursday of month at 7:00 p.m. at Station 1
Fire/EMS Training:  Last Saturday of the month at 9:00 a.m. at Station 1
For more information call the Glacier View Fire Protection District Office at 970-493-3393 from 9AM - 3PM Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday